WEGA membership
Everyone is welcome to join the group, whether your interest in geology is at a amateur, student or more professional level; new members are especially welcome. The membership fee for the 2024/25 session is just £10 per year, and for students £2.
Membership fees are due on the 1st of October. Please pay by standing order. A SO can be set up online through your bank or download and complete a form to send to your bank. Please then inform the Membership Secretary.
If you wish to join then please download and complete the Prospectus form. Please email or post too the Membership Secretary.
Renewed membership can be made by downloading the new Prospectus, completing the form and either send it to the Membership Secretary by 1st October.
Get Involved
The group is always looking for new committee members - contact the chair or secretary to express an interest in joining the committee.
The group publishes an (irregular) newsletter and contributions on any Earth-related topic are more than welcome. Write up a latest trip or event that has taken your attention, and send to the newsletter editor, Graeme Churchard (wega.talks@gmail.com).